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Santosh K. Dubey.

The COVID19 is a dangerous virus that holds its roots of origin from Wuhan, China. Although there is no official record of when this pandemic came into existence, it was officially recorded on December1, 2019 as per reports by the World Health Organization. Since China is the birth place of this virus, it is necessary to analyse it’s response on it, as it can play a crucial role in fighting the virus. This paper would attempt to record and analyse china’s response on the basis of information that’s available publicly, as china is not very transparent about its actions.

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The COVID19 has forced WHO to announce world health emergency for the 6th time in history. Yet China has been effectively and efficiently fighting this virus till now. China detected this virus with commendable speed as well as precision. After the outbreak that was around 5th January’ 2020, within a week i.e. 12th January ‘2020, China successfully managed to study it and send its genetic structure to the WHO. In comparisons to other deadly viruses like SARS, whose genetic structure’s identification took almost a month, china boasted one of the fastest recording time. The genetic structure of a pandemic is essential for progressing towards making vaccines or finding other way to make the virus ineffective. An important aspect in controlling a dangerous epidemic is to appoint reliable, specified, precise and quick detection methods to protect and cure infected people as well as people who have not been infected. In the beginning phase of the outbreak of this virus in Wuhan, availability of test kits was negligible, and screening was dependent upon lab based nucleic acid sequencing analysis, which required a lot of labor and was a costly method. Immediate action was taken, by National Medical Products Administration of China, to give a big push to the work of biotech companies to speed up the process of development of detection kits. On 13 January, the first kit had been introduced, with enough supply available in a mere time period of two weeks.

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China was able to take the right decisions at the right, and was successful enough to implement it by prioritizing the right place and right people to implement it on. The experience that China went through, gave an insight about the importance of listening to scientific deductions of scientists and experts of health during such pandemic events. China took more measures than required in the beginning itself, thereby disclosing the fact that prevention is better than cure. China’s overcautious approach is helping them pull through the virus till date.
The approach of organized, alert and active risk management displayed by China, based on collective and collaborative effort between health experts and government organization, has existed to have an impeccable functionality in containment and control of COVID-19. There was a release of pandemic related clinical data, in very short time spans, that was presented to the public and this data has also assisted WHO in its attempts to help several nations around the world prepare for this pandemic’s spread by spreading awareness. Taking an example, in analysis of more than 40,000 cases that happened to be in China, we know that about 80% of patients infected by COVID-19 , would not be needing any healthcare or medical treatment (due to a high recovery rate) and the other 20% of patients infected by COVID19 would be needing medical intervention and constant assistance.
The first Province to raise the risk management response to the highest level in the early days of the outbreak when there were no confirmed cases was the Zhejiang province. Presented in the next paragraph are some conclusions from Hangzhou’s analysis to prevent COVID-19 from spreading .

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Tracking implementation for division into smaller groups like individual people , a house or an apartment, a particular colony or society, an organization, certain city management and public service facilities (for eg: public toilet) should . Being a guide to the masses and giving guidance about the extent and effectiveness of lockdowns. Establishment of online recording and locating systems and formulation of a local response team which would have the authority to handle recognized cases all day long.Ensuring regular supply of essentials like food, water etc. and assuring regular flow of these supplies through arrangements that are organize and supervised by the government. Assigning effective disease care as well as its management facilities, to place an infected individual in an isolated condition and place them through continuous surveillance and treatment attempts. Setting up of a multipurpose channel that provides the functions reporting and communication to keep the citizens informed and updated about all actions that would be taken.

The population in China stood united and displayed vigor in their efforts and attempts to fight COVID-19. The increased number of deaths in Wuhan was partly due to lack of availability of hospitals and other medical facilities at the time of desperate requirement. The lack of disaster control and management’s ineffective response mechanisms, in Wuhan, paved the way to poor disease containment, infection spreading like wildfire from patient to patient and medical, hospitality workers in hospitals and innumerable weeks of a chaotic climate.
On the contrary, in Zhejiang Province, the government officials were properly ready to mobilize resources immediately and allocate them effectively and manage their working to stop the evolving virus in an efficient manner with commendable conclusions. About two hundred public health physicians, In Hangzhou, were involved in investigating cases, working for identification of close contacts, and at the same time ensuring that they remain under constant monitoring. Also doctors of Hangzhou achieved earth’s very first double-lung transplant surgery on a patient suffering from COVID-19.
The lack of availability of preventive health supplies and the lack of knowledge on COVID-19 virus, played the major role in causing the spread of this virus on an enormous amount of healthcare workers, during the initial period of the outbreak of this virus in Wuhan. Over the past couple of weeks (as per this recorded data time period i.e. mid march), about 30 medical a healthcare teams inclusive of about more than 40,000 doctors and nurses had been transferred to Wuhan to fight the virus’s outbreak. (Zhejiang Province alone transferred about 2000 healthcare workers and as of march none of these workers are infected). Around Two new healthcare facilities collectively giving more than 2000 beds were made in just 10 days inside Wuhan.
Although, at the same time, other types of patients suffering from major non-infectious yet dangerous problems cancer, hypertension, pneumonia, diabetes etc. should also be taken into account.
Implementation of protective steps in societies, colleges, schools, organizations, government offices and homes influenced a strong protective barrier in China.
While fighting COVID-19, all people are equal. It’s a logical deduction that all people have the equal responsibility and are subjected to an equal amount of risk. This virus is immensely contagious and capable of spreading without showing any symptom i.e. asymptomatic spreading, so it becomes necessary to efficiently and effectively mobilize the nation’s resources and implement systems of public participation in the midst process. This can be concluded by observing the implementation of protective and preventive measures in the city Hangzhou that contains a population of about 10 million people. Although Wuhan couldn’t handle the virus very well, Hangzhou had an exemplary performance and set’s a benchmark that other nations of the world could follow. Mentioning again, the reason behind this exemplary performance is to make all the people equally responsible and encouraging involvement of all the units in the economy and increasing accountability of actions of disaster management and health management representatives. Change in our living patterns is absolutely mandatory for fighting the pandemic and being responsive to new problems.
Analytical planning and clarity in guidance of the population is very helpful. As seen in the city Hangzhou, allowed it’s employees to continue to indulge in work in many regions. A lot of organizations, businesses, universities, schools etc have been successful in implementation of online computer based learning procedure using technical services provided by companies like Zoom meetings, which could also be considered as models that form a base for future development. It’s derived from analyzing China’s actions and disasters, that during an epidemic, it should be passed on as part of public awareness to avoid large gatherings and numerous human to human contacts. In its attempts to take over COVID19,China, maybe short of billions of dollars by stopping all kinds of all business transactions and economic activities, but towards the end these steps will prove to be clever and necessary decisions and right course of action to choose.
As of now China has close 82500 cases out of which it had managed to recover almost 78,000 cases which is commendable as China was the epicenter of this pandemic. Also it has suffered with about 4633 deaths which could have been much more, had china not taken quick and precise decisions. Due to China following the right course of action, it’s reduced its number of active cases to a mere 395 and just 29 critical cases, which is noteworthy of appreciation.

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