Food wastage in times of hunger
By Sakshi Singhvi
The importance of food and it’s nourishment is well known to everyone but the staggering amount of food wastage on a daily basis is quite shocking. Is it sheer negligence? Well, not everytime but yes for the most times. Food wastage occurs at various stages of food production as well as consumption. The wastage in production can be reduced drastically by developing storage and transportation technologies, especially in developing regions of the globe in comparison to developed where it is quite low due to advancement. Another contributor in wastage is food processing and marketing, which include confusion between best before and expiry dates, high cosmetic standards to name a few.
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The biggest culprits are us, the mankind which is possibly not so kind to food and the needy as well. Food wastage can not just feed the hungry but also contribute in saving our Mother Earth and it’s environment which is ultimately our habitat and not to forget, is our sustainer. As matter of fact, an area larger than whole country of China is used to produce food which is never eaten! Shocking, right. Here’s more, 25% of fresh water grows food which lands up in bins and not stomachs. Water shortage is one of the global issues and reducing food wastage can ultimately help in solving the global water crisis as well.
Let’s move to the greenhouse gas issue. According to fact, if yearly global food wastage’s emmision is taken into account, it is the third largest producer of greenhouse gases after top 2 countries. In monetary terms, the value of globally wasted food on annual basis is staggering $1 trillion. Yes, you read it right! $1 trillion can be a boon to people in need on this globe.
So, after all these arguments made, one clear resultant view is to stop this food wastage or at least reduce it for a start. Strong rules, regulations and laws are off course required but to tackle this issue effectively, focus on grassroot level can prove to be a smart move.
Everyone’s heard, Charity begins at home. So, it is high time to apply it in real life. Inculcating food saving habits in children from tender age is of great significance. At young age, children are like wet cement, they take shape of the mould. All what’s needed is the correct mould. Sensitization about food wastage and hungry stomachs all over the world. Talking about statistics, near around 1 billion hungry people can be fed on quarter of wasted food in US and Europe. Several organisations are working towards this cause by collecting left food and distributing it to ones who need. In the coming time, population will be increasing and to sustain them, more and more food resources will be needed or we can just stop throwing our food away!
Let’s pledge to tackle this issue on a war footing. Joining not just hands but souls can make us face this challenge and succeed with flying colours.