How China is planning to use the coronavirus crisis to its advantage
Vrinda Swami
The number of reported cases of coronavirus decreases to zero, daily in life is slowly returning to normal in china. However, the economic data shows a huge damage done to country’s economy due to this pandemic. With each day passing Chinese Government has started focusing on its degrading economy. The Chinese government knows that its actions to eliminate the virus came at the expense of the country’s economic health. Now authorities are trying to ensure that those consequences are short lived.
Beijing, the capital of China is preparing to use the crisis faced by other countries to advance China’s economy. Several Chinese government agencies and officials are talking about how China can take advantage of being the first country to start recovering from the novel coronavirus. Reports show that Bejing is planning to use downturn in Western economies to its benefit.
Lot of propaganda articles, tweets, and public messaging, in a wide variety of languages, shouts China’s achievements and highlights the effectiveness of its model of domestic governance. These messages are help to draw contrast with efforts to battle the virus in various other countries. China is trying to make itself an essential player in a coming global recovery while airbrushing away its earlier mismanagement of the crisis. Coronavirus offers Xi to put his theory of “Global Governance” in to action.
China’s economy is seeking out towards more foreign direct investment and trying to seize market share in various critical industries. It is planning to overproduce various goods to overflow the market and increase its market share while Western companies are on their backs. China is increasing up production of medical supplies and ingredients for pharmaceuticals and exporting them to various foreign countries. Chinese workers have already started returning to factories on the other hand the United States and European economies are shutting down.
When no European state answered Italy’s urgent appeal for medical equipment and protective gear, China publicly committed to sending 1,000 ventilators, two million masks, 100,000 respirators, 20,000 protective suits, and 50,000 test kits. China has also helped Iran by sending medical teams and 250,000 masks and sent supplies to Serbia. Although Washington offered assistance to China and others, it is less able to do so now, as its own needs grow. Beijing, in contrast, is offering aid precisely when the global need is greatest. Taking a proper advantage of medical emergency China is trying to establish its roots in various countries.
A talk about remove of steel and aluminium tariffs that were imposed on national security grounds by US on China is also going but United Steelworkers President Thomas Conway wrote in a Friday letter to lawmakers that eliminating tariffs now would hurt U.S. producers at the worst possible time and help Chinese companies dump their products to gain market share unfairly.
Chinese government and businesses are recovering back from taking advantage of other countries atrocities, hence trying to putting Beijing on a dominant course for years to come.