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As the nation prepares to undergo lockdown 4.0 the government may provide relaxations from the lockdown to resume business activities in states and union territories as the country prepares to live with COVID-19.
A senior official said “No state/UT wants complete withdrawal of the lockdown. But they all want a graded exit plan so that economic activities can be resumed”.
He said, in Lockdown 4.0, schools, colleges, malls and movie theatres will not be allowed to operate anywhere in the country. However, the government is allowed salons, barber shops and spas could be allowed to open even in Red Zones, except in areas that have been marked as containment zones. At present, they are allowed to remain open in Orange and Green Zones.
The Centre has asked states and UTs to submit their recommendation on the modalities of Lockdown 4.0 latest by Friday.
India Today TV has learnt that Punjab, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Assam and Telangana have said they want the lockdown to be extended to contain spread of Covid-19.
Punjab has favoured continuation of a strict lockdown and said that states need to be given greater flexibility in micro-planning as part of a carefully planned exit strategy, encompassing both Covid-19 containment and a defined path of economic revival.
Tripura also echoed the same sentiments saying state should have more say in defining Green, Orange and Red Zones.
Sikkim, which does not have any Covid-19 case so far, has also demanded stricter lockdown to continue. Sikkim said its economy is largely based on tourism and it any relaxation with other states may spread the virus in the state as well.
In lockdown 4.0, mass transportation like bus, railways and domestic airlines are likely to be allowed in the next few days. However, states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Bihar are against complete resumption of train and air services till May-end
The Centre meanwhile is looking at allowing limited relaxation for local trains, buses and metro-rail services in non-containment areas in Red Zones.
As per sources, auto-rickshaw and taxis may also be allowed in Red zones with restrictions on the number of passengers. However, these too will only be allowed in non-containment areas.
In regards to opening of market places, the Centre is likely to allow the states/UTs to decide whether they want to allow markets to remain open in Orange and Red Zones. In Delhi, the government may implement an odd-even policy to allow shops of non-essential goods to operate.
Sources say under Lockdown 4.0, e-commerce platforms may be allowed to deliver non-essential items even in Red Zones, except in containment areas.
Sources said that since most states have different level of performance and preparation to deal with covid-19, each state cannot have a tailor made lockdown or relaxation.

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