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Virus exposes Xi’s and CPC’s mentality



Virus exposes Xi’s and CPC’s mentality

Abhishek Ranjan

CCP China’s propaganda machine is occupied with work in the times of Coronavirus. China’s Wuhan is the epicenter of coronavirus and world is blaming China for its spread. That’s why the image of Xi Jinping is under threat.

Hence, the Chinese government has accelerated the work of propaganda machine. They are trying to create positive picture of Xinping and China in the light of coronavirus.

It always looked like Xi Jinping’s image will remain clean until coronavirus shattered that myth. He has now allocated work to Chinese diplomats, minister, ambassadors, spokesperson and other lackeys to push “alternative truth” on Twitter and Facebook. These agents are spreading nefarious message through these platforms even though these are banned in China.

China Neican, weekly Newsletter has reported that firstly Chinese authorities tried to suppress the information. But having realised that paper can’t stifle fire, they resorted to propaganda efforts. They were showing positive news like how the Government has acted decisively to build hospital in record times and lockdown entire cities. But they again went to control information hence the heroic stories of frontline workers were highlighted while the sufferings were downplayed.

Even the foreign ministry spokesperson Lijian Zhao tweeted a conspiracy theory that the virus came from a US military bio-lab. WeChat articles alleging the virus had a US origin were also disseminated.

Adam Ni has summarised the whole agenda in four elements. The first being that CCP’s deflection of blame by scapegoating local authorities. Second is about enacting a new phase blaming ‘foreign hostile sources’, third is proving superiority to China’s governance and comparing with likes of US, Italy, etc. And finally on censorship of dissenting views on the issue.

Initially, Xi distanced himself from coronavirus crisis but situation became worse and he made visit to Wuhan in March only. The Wuhan party secretary general’s earlier comment that all should be grateful to Xi and CCP backfired, so XI praises Wuhan’s citizens. Even the death of Wuhan whistleblower doctor li Wenliang added to bad image of CCP China and Xi.

Blame shift game between US and China added fuel to fire and China was quick to call it as racist comment. Even WHO failed to perform its duties and is considered to be Chinese puppet.

But how Xi’s image will be affected in coming times? Depends on how Chinese society will overcome coronavirus pandemic but CCP will want to control society even more now. Under Xi, China is an Orwellian state and it’s economy badly affected due to virus, project like BRI is seeing major halts and opposition

2019 World press freedom index has ranked China 177 out of 180 countries and role of foreign media in China is very limited and restricted. Real fact is CCP and Xi doesn’t care about truth but only promoting their ideology through propaganda.

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